Building a Wiki for Your Company

Jay Jirayut Chatphet
3 min readJul 1, 2023

In the digital age, the importance of a well-organized and easily accessible information system cannot be overstated. For businesses, one of the most effective ways to manage this is by creating a company wiki.

A wiki is a centralized repository of company knowledge, procedures, and information that team members can easily access and update.

This guide will walk you through the process of building a comprehensive wiki for your company using, one of the best platforms for creating wikis.

Why Your Company Needs a Wiki

Before we dive into the how, let’s first understand the why. Every company, regardless of its size or industry, generates and uses a vast amount of information. This information ranges from department-specific documents and team updates to company-wide policies and procedures. Managing this information effectively is crucial for the smooth operation of the business.

A well-structured wiki serves as a single source of truth where all important company information is stored. It eliminates the need for endless searches across different platforms and ensures that all team members have access to the same, up-to-date information. This promotes consistency, efficiency, and collaboration across the organization.

Moreover, a well-maintained wiki can be a powerful onboarding tool. New hires can refer to the wiki to understand company processes, learn about different departments, and get up to speed with company culture and values.

Building Your Company Wiki with is an all-in-one workspace where you can write, plan, and organize. It is also an excellent platform for building a company wiki due to its flexibility, collaborative features, and user-friendly interface.

Here’s how to build your company wiki using Notion:

1. Structure Your Wiki: Start by creating a structured folder system for storing documents. Each department should have its own folder, and all team members should have access to all folders, except for sensitive ones such as those containing compensation, performance reviews, and performance improvement plans.

2. Decide What to Document: A common question when creating a wiki is, “What should we document?” The answer is everything. Document every aspect of your company’s operations. This ensures team members can quickly step into a new role if needed. An excellent rule of thumb to follow is, if you find yourself doing something twice, write it down. This ensures that there are clear instructions available for recurring tasks.

3. Create a Process Tracking System: To keep track of all the processes being documented, create a spreadsheet. Ask each department head to list the processes in their department and assign a writer and due date for each process. Each writer should then link their process write-up to the spreadsheet for verification.

4. Encourage Team Participation: Require all team members to share their knowledge and contribute to the wiki. This promotes a culture of collaboration and shared ownership.

5. Keep it Updated: The wiki should be a living document, updated regularly with new processes, policies, and information. This ensures that the wiki stays relevant and continues to be a valuable resource for the team.

6. Use the Wiki for Onboarding: Use the wiki as part of your onboarding curriculum. New hires should read all the processes they will be involved in. This ensures effective onboarding and helps new hires quickly understand their role and responsibilities.

Building a wiki is not a one-time activity but an ongoing process. It requires regular updates and maintenance to ensure it continues to serve as a valuable resource for your team. A well-structured and maintained wiki can significantly enhance efficiency, collaboration, and knowledge sharing in your company.

